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Welcome to Thrive

You're all done. Thank you for joining us!

Getting Started

Collect your Access Key

The first step to getting started is getting in! To collect your access key simply download the GymMaster App and book in a time to collect your access key. At your key collection booking we will also go through a few of the key points of the Thrive 24-7 experience and make sure you all set up and ready to go!


*Please note, school holiday programs do not include an access key.

Download the GymMaster App

The GymMaster App is your one stop shop for everything Thrive 24-7. Through the app you can book and schedule your complimentary one on one coaching and group training sessions, update billing information and view your training program if you have one.


To login, use your email and password created during the signup process.

Check your Email


Shortly you will receive an email from us at Thrive, please take your time to read over the email and be sure to reach out with any questions you may have.

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